IVDPlus Service

With a special software; Turkey’s In Vitro Diagnostics market is followed and analyzed in a current manner. Various services are offered with a comprehensive database constructed over the years.


Within the scope of IVDPlus

Public IVD market of Turkey is followed and analyzed up to date, via special software with comprehensive data base; We offer online membership, MDplus BI Tool, Custom reporting services.


IVDPlus Features

Online Membership

Web-based access to the software is provided with the agreements made depending on the number of the test group, region and user. Analyzes can be made with numerous reporting tools that is included in the software.

BI Tool

Swift analysis can be made with many filtering options on the reports being prepared with this excel-based business intelligence application. This tool, which is designed especially for the sector managers, is primed and sent to the members in specific time periods depending on the agreements made.

Specific Reporting

Reports are prepared and presented specifically for the purpose of activities such as new product entry, existing product strategy creation, sales & marketing strategy creation.

Medical Version

Special projects are developed in the medical product (medical) field with the partial changes of the developed algorithms as a result of the success achieved in the In Vitro Diagnostics sector.

Web Based Access

IVDPlus software can be accessed online from all PC’s or mobile device internet providers. The data is updated daily and each recorded data is reflected simultaneously on user reports and screens.

6800 Analyzed Tender

In IVDPlus service, all tenders and purchases are registered to the system personally and manually by the expert team. The tenders are reflected on the user screen upon the execution of all evaluation of specifications and the necessary classifications.
